Crop Scouting and Monitoring Division


We use unmanned aerial vehicles, referred to as UAVs or drones, to optimize crop scouting of your fields, in combination with our proprietary Al-driven database of satellite imagery, to help you proactively detect issues such as early crop stress or pest or disease infestations. Crop health is monitored every two or three days, detecting potential issues before they are visible to the naked eye, directing you or your agronomist to any trouble spots and enabling you to make decisions on what actions to take.

We provide detailed meteorological data with suggestions for favourable seeding days or spraying days. Our environmental analysis during the growing season can identify potential diseases, offer information for decisions regarding additional crop nutrients and provide estimates of crop yields.
Hailstorms can be devastating setbacks. Our drone and satellite imagery services help growers understand the true extent of their losses and determine their next steps. This information can also assist hail insurance adjusters in their work.