Fertilizer Blend Analysis Form Fill out the form below and our biochemist will come up with a customized solution for your operations. Full Name: Name of Farm: Phone Number: Email: Occupation: Farm Location/Contact Address: Crop: Other Wheat Spring Wheat Winter Wheat Barley Oats Corn Fall Rye Durum Canary Seed Canola Flax Sunflower Peas Lentils Soybeans Dry Beans Fababeans Chickpeas Application Timing: Select Timing Fall Spring How is your fertilizer applied?: Select Method Directly on Seed Side Banded Mid-Row Broadcast Our customized and pelletized compound fertilizer, may NOT be right for your operation. Please click here to contact us to discuss other options. Please select the ferilizers and enter required nutrients (in Pounds) for your fertilizer blend analysis. Fertilizers Ammonium Sulphate (21-0-0-24) DAP (18-46-0) MAP (11-52-0) MAP 2 (12-61-0) MAP 3 (11-44-0) MESZ (12-40-0-10) MES15 (13-34-0-15) PC Urea (44-0-0) Potash (0-0-62) TSP (0-46-0) Urea (46-0-0) Clay HA Compost Required Actual Lbs/Acre Required Actual Lbs of N Required Actual Lbs of P Required Actual Lbs of K Required Actual Lbs of S Clay HA We recommend 25 Lbs/Acre of Clay HA