Our Vision
“To be a world leader in bio-nutrient formulation and agricultural intelligence services.”
Accomplishing this vision means we have to earn our customers’ trust – every farmer, every time.
Our results speak for themselves;
“To say the least, I am happy with our decision and the ROI. Each formulation was customized to suit my existing application passes so no extra pass was required. Every application pass was a systematic approach used to compensate for what the soil/crop needed to overcome the drought of the 2015 growing season. More so, I didn’t have to pay for nutrients my crops didn’t need so, it was cost effective for me.”
Nolan Nykolaishen- Kamsack, Saskatchewan Farmer
Our Mission
“To become the most trusted ‘plant pharmacy’ for crop growers.”
We will accomplish this by focusing on quality, customer service, and community engagement. We will add value to our customers operation by delivering cost effective protocols and customized soil/crop health therapy formulations. Leveraging a deep familiarity with crop growers requirements, we will help build bushels and maximize ROI.
Who We Are:
We are a manufacturer of liquid and dry customized crop-health therapy formulations in Sedley, SK. We customize solutions for all crop operations in different environmental conditions based on agronomics and economics.
What We Do:
We work directly with crop growers and their agronomists to offer value added crop health therapy formulations and solutions. With the use of soil sampling and tissue testing, we are able to customize a protocol that adds value and build bushels. Our approach delivers a precise formula, at the right time. Our goal is to work with your existing operation, which means no extra spray-pass is required with no compatibility issues. We aim to add value to your existing fertility program.
What We Can Do For You:
We customize all our crop-health formulations/protocols using the biochemical sequence of crop growth – specific to each crop growers needs. Our research is on Soil health and nutrient balancing, fertilizer uptake efficiency, building bushels with different crops, bio-prevention and control of pest/diseases. We have cost effective options from seed treatment all the way through to fungicide timing application.
Our formulations are user friendly and can be tank-mixed with most crop protection products. Finally, we have crop-health formulations that can be used in organic production.
Our Values
Soil Health
We absolutely believe in soil health—because healthy soil feeds the crops that feed our world.
Building Bushels
We believe in building bushels through soil health. With an increasing global population and changing climates, it is essential for farmers to produce more food on less land—and to do so sustainably, year after year
Rooted in Science
Our team brings together the best in soil science and crop technology to create customized macro and micro nutrient formulations. We integrate best practices and proven innovations in our soil solutions.
We are committed to improving food security at the grower level. We use our expertise to formulate custom solutions that replenish soil nutrients. This helps sustain soil health in farming operations, even with continuous and intensive farming practices.
Farming is often described as an act of faith. Despite all our knowledge, tools and technology, weather remains the deciding factor in a successful crop. By helping farmers build resilience in their soil, we help build resilience in the farming community.
Our Brand Promise

We add real value by building bushels while sustaining soil health.
Custom Agricultural Intelligence is adding real value. By creating customized macro and micro nutrient formulations to feed the soil that nurtures crops, we help our customers build bushels while sustaining soil health in their fields.
We build enduring customer relationships, and respond with our best efforts when weather threatens yields. And we’re not afraid of a challenge, because farming is all about overcoming challenges.